Like a cocoon of Light. My presence with you is a promise, independent of your awareness of Me. Many things can block this awareness, but the major culprit is worry. My children tend to accept worry as an inescapable fact of life. However,worry is a form of unbelief; it is anathema to Me.

A couple of days ago I was worried about this new policy at work ,not being paid for unplanned absents unless it's made up the same day. You see I needed to take my car for service at 10 am because the shuttle starts at 10 am, and pick up my sister from the  clinic at 2pm. I work till 4:30, I would not be able to make up the time.  I'd forgotten about the  appointment for the car because my husband had made the appointment. When I told him about my dilemma, he asked me what I was going to do.

Who is in charge of your life? If it's you, then you have good reason to worry. But since I'm in charge, worry is both unnecessary and counterproductive.

I read this passage and I realized I was worrying.

When you start to feel worry relinquish the situation to Me. I will either take care of it Myself or show you how to handle it.

I started saying to myself, God will work this out,over and over. I went down to the kitchen and my husband came into the kitchen and picked up the phone to call the dealer.

Someone came on the phone, he discussed the situation and was told the key could be dropped off there at 7am.  We drop off the car and I was at work on time. My sister got home on her own and I saw God's hand. I said to my husband that God worked it out. He said we worked it out. I said God use him to get things done. My husband said God wants us to work things out. WE agreed to disagree.

In this world you will have trouble,but you need not lose sight of me.
Luke 12:22-31; John 16:33


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